Ticket order Bus2Bus

  1. Buying tickets in advance saves you time and money!
  2. Purchase order:
  3. Please deliver tickets per... You may choose one or both ways of delivery.
  4. One-day tickets à CHF 30 (instead of EUR 48 on-site)
  5. Permanent tickets à CHF 55 (instead of EUR 78 on-site)
  6. Permanent congress tickets à CHF 325 instead of EUR 370 on-site)
  7. Would you like to order more tickets? Simply perform another online order (we merge orders from the same day) or, alternatively, send us an Email.
  8. Tickets cannot be returned or exchanged
  9. Catalogues are available free of charge for trade visitors and are not available for advance purchase.
  10. Information on visitor 1
  11. Information on visitor 2
  12. Information on visitor 3
  13. Information on visitor 4
  14. Information on visitor 5
  15. Billing address
  16. *
  17. *
  18. *
  19. *

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